When Jesus left, he sent us the Holy Spirit also referred to as a helper. He enables us to do great things, helps us to pray, and reveals things to us.
Believing In Yourself Is Hard
Believing in yourself is harder than it seems. Some people say let go of fear and take a leap of faith, but although it sounds simple, it’s not easy.
3 Biblical Principles That Will Help You Live A Successful Life
Learn 3 success principles from The Bible that will help you live a successful life. A Time For Everything. You Reap What You Sow. Ask, Seek, Knock.
Your Life In A Paragraph, What Do You Want It To Say?
If your life was summarized in a paragraph, what would you want it to say? Write your paragraph and live in a way to make it a reality
You Are Waiting On God, But God May Be Waiting On You
When it comes to fulfilling our calling or dreams one of the reasons we may give for not starting is that we are waiting on God. Although this may be a valid reason in some situations, I’ve come to learn that it’s not always the case.