The story of the feeding of the 5,000 is told multiple times in the gospels and in it can be found 3 success lessons for life.
Do What You Can, With What You Have
We often want to achieve something, but think that we don’t have everything we need to get it done. You’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish with what’s available to you.
3 Ways Believers Should Stand Out In Times of Crisis
Crisis presents an opportunity for believers to stand out. As a believer, be sure to take advantage of it in order to attract others to faith in Jesus Christ.
How To Get Rewards In Heaven
The rewards we get in heaven are the only rewards we can earn that will last forever. Learn how we can get them, the types, and their significance.
How To Endure To The End
Every pursuit worthwhile requires persistence. If we give up too soon, we won’t reap the fruits of our labor. It’s the same with our relationship with God.